Building a common future depends largely on how the past is remembered and the collective memory is formed. Various ethnic, religious and cultural groups live in Berlin and all play a role in shaping the diverse memory of the city. However, these groups are broadly disregarded by the mainstream understanding of history. Past and present experiences of BIPOC and migrant communities, their anti-colonial visions and their ongoing struggles are to be further discussed and recognised until they become part of the public memory. In this meeting* that we organise together with Awham Magazine, Ezgi Kilincaslan and Yelta Köm will discuss migration, participation and memory. As two migrant artists, they will share their experiences about working with memory in Germany and other countries, based on the findings and observations they reached in their projects. Öndercan Muti, Humboldt University of Berlin, will moderate the panel and the discussion after the initial talks of the speakers. Join us at this meeting on 25 November, Friday, at 19:00 at Acud Macht Neu.
* Please note that the meeting will be held in English language and the actual beginning time is 19:00 sharp. We thank Houshamadyan for letting us to use some of their images at the poster.
Ezgi Kilincaslan
Yelta Köm
Öndercan Muti
Date, time:
25.11.2022, Friday
Acud Macht Neu
(Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin)
Organized by:
AKEBI e.V. and Awham Magazine
Ezgi Kilincaslan is a Berlin based artist. She is initially formed as a painter, and currently experimenting with a variety of mediums including photography, video and installation – exploring and questioning matters of power, related with patriarchy and gender.
Yelta Köm is an architect, artist, and researcher who incorporated architecture, artistic and spatial practices, to discuss social and political issues. His work is mainly influenced by the perception of the environment, the image of the city, neoliberal transformations, the tension between nature and technology, and collective movements. Currently, he is researcher at the Topological Atlas project hosted by TU Delft and research associate at Bauhaus University Weimar.
** Gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales im Rahmen des Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramms.